On the Phantom, Ironman, and Quantum Injustice

Since the pigmes are going all bongo bongos, I proceed to do surgery on their meaning.

Finding pigme to meaning from Spanish “fight me" and their bongos we will not do that.

Paraphrasing biologies phytoplankton the tumble weed of the sea, and hence showing them the barrel they can walk the Planck from.

Taking said energy and equating it to a crest of a wave or a shell.

My as a child and now as it were live on a hilly crest from a Shell station.

And would applaud the plankton had the reason for their reason not have changed the colour of their irony and we are not even talking bongos yet.



Aimé T Shangula | Multi-Field Expert | Innovator |

I am an aspiring Data Scientist who has done a number of projects that include medical diagnostic classification, complaints classifications, housing pricing…